Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Does Stress Affect The Body Professor Ramos Blog

How Does Stress Affect The Body What is stress? Any intrinsic or extrinsic stimulus that evokes a biological response is known as stress. The compensatory responses to these stresses are known as stress responses. Based on the type, timing and severity of the applied stimulus, stress can exert various actions on the body ranging from alterations in homeostasis to life-threatening effects and death. In many cases, the pathophysiological complications of disease arise from stress and the subjects exposed to stress, those that work or live in stressful environments, have a higher likelihood of many disorders. Stress can be either a triggering or aggravating factor for many diseases and pathological conditions. In this study, we have reviewed some of the major effects of stress on the primary physiological systems of humans. A natural reaction Have you ever found yourself with sweaty hands on a first date or felt your heart pound during a scary movie? Then you know you can feel stress in both your mind and body.  This automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats. Faced with danger, the body kicks into gear, flooding the body with hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, boost your energy and prepare you to deal with the problem.  These days, youre not likely to face the threat of being eaten. But you probably do confront multiple challenges every day, such as meeting deadlines, paying bills and juggling childcare that makes your body react the same way. As a result, your bodys natural alarm system the â€Å"fight or flight† response may be stuck in the on position. And that can have serious consequences for your health. Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com How does stress affect the heart? people who are under intense stress often seem to dramatically keel over from a heart attack, but that’s extremely rare. The real danger is the accumulated impact of chronic stress, which contributes to each of the top five risk factors for developing heart disease: abnormal cholesterol levels, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and smoking. How does stress affect the brain? Chronic stress can make your brain behave in an Alzheimer’s-like manner. Stress adversely affects a key structure in the brain, the hippocampus, leading to impaired memory and problems with orientation and sense of direction. These brain changes may have evolved to protect against the memory of traumatic and stressful events, like being attacked by a predator; but losing short-term memory hinders today’s brain-intensive lifestyle. We all recognize the frustration of forgetting where we put our keys, names of people we just met or other recent events.  Nor does stress help you function any better on brain-intensive tasks. In one study, scientists studied brain blood flow while subjects performed tasks that required sorting large amounts of data essentially stressful multitasking. They found that the prefrontal cortex, the â€Å"executive† part of the brain used for planning, execution, reasoning, and organization, was initially very active but then tired and sh ut down. That left the â€Å"reptilian† brain, the impulsive and emotional brain, in charge. Pay attention to how your emotions transform in the midst of multitasking, typically moving from initial clarity to confusion and frustration. How does stress disrupt sleep? When you’re continually stressed, your body constantly pulses out stress hormones, which make it harder to fall asleep and impair the deepest stages of sleep. That can lead to hyperarousal insomnia a state where your mind and body are easily woken by sounds or by your own stressful thoughts. No longer can you sleep as soundly as a baby.    Does stress make you age faster? One study compared a group of women caring for disabled children with a group of women whose children had no disabilities. In particular, the researchers compared their telomeres, protective sections of DNA that are known to be a genetic marker for aging. Telomeres routinely wither and get shorter with time, but external factors, including stress, can accelerate this process. The study found more prominent premature aging in the high-stress mothers caring for disabled children. In fact, it translated into that group being 10 years older at a cellular level than the other group, who were the same chronological age. The 35-year-old stressed mothers looked closer to 45. Pressure points Even short-lived, minor stress can have an impact. You might get a stomach-ache before you have to give a presentation, for example. More major acute stress, whether caused by a fight with your spouse or an event like an earthquake or terrorist attack, can have an even bigger impact.  Multiple studies have shown that these sudden emotional stresses especially anger can trigger heart attacks, arrhythmias, and even sudden death. Although this happens mostly in people who already have heart disease, some people dont know they have a problem until acute stress causes a heart attack or something worse. Chronic stress When stress starts interfering with your ability to live a normal life for an extended period, it becomes even more dangerous. The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and body. You might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate or irritable for no good reason, for example. But chronic stress causes wear and tear on your body, too.  Stress can make existing problems worse. In one study, for example, about half the participants saw improvements in chronic headaches after learning how to stop the stress-producing habit of â€Å"catastrophizing,† or constantly thinking negative thoughts about their pain. Chronic stress may also cause disease, either because of changes in your body or the overeating, smoking and other bad habits people use to cope with stress. Job strain high demands coupled with low decision-making latitude is associated with increased risk of coronary disease, for example. Other forms of chronic stress, such as depression and low levels of s ocial support, have also been implicated in increased cardiovascular risk. And once youre sick, stress can also make it harder to recover. One analysis of past studies, for instance, suggests that cardiac patients with so-called â€Å"Type D† personalities characterized by chronic distress face higher risks of bad outcomes. What you can do Reducing your stress levels can not only make you feel better right now but may also protect your health long-term.  In one study, researchers examined the association between â€Å"positive affect† feelings like happiness, joy, contentment and enthusiasm and the development of coronary heart disease over a decade. They found that for every one-point increase in positive effect on a five-point scale, the rate of heart disease dropped by 22 percent.  While the study doesnt prove that increasing positive affect decreases cardiovascular risks, the researchers recommend boosting your positive effect by making a little time for enjoyable activities every day. Conclusion Altogether, stress may induce both beneficial and harmful effects. The beneficial effects of stress involve preserving homeostasis of cells/species, which leads to continued survival. However, in many cases, the harmful effects of stress may receive more attention or recognition by an individual due to their role in various pathological conditions and diseases. As has been discussed in this review, various factors, for example, hormones, neuroendocrine mediators, peptides, and neurotransmitters are involved in the bodys response to stress. Many disorders originate from stress, especially if the stress is severe and prolonged. The medical community needs to have a greater appreciation for the significant role that stress may play in various diseases and then treat the patient accordingly using both pharmacological, medications and/or nutraceuticals, and non-pharmacological, change in lifestyle, daily exercise, healthy nutrition, and stress reduction programs, therapeutic interventions . Important for the physician providing treatment for stress is the fact that all individuals vary in their response to stress, so a particular treatment strategy or intervention appropriate for one patient may not be suitable or optimal for a different patient. work cited   American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress. Goldstein, Elisha. The Now Effect: How a Mindful Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life. Simon amp; Schuster, 2013. â€Å"Lower Stress: How Does Stress Affect the Body?† About Heart Attacks,   www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/lower-stress-how-does-stress-affect-the-body.   â€Å"Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress on the Body.† WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/balance/stress-management/stress-symptoms-effects_of-stress-on-the-body#1.   Wilson, Donielle. Stress Remedy: Master Your Bodys Synergy and Optimize Your Health. Empowering Wellness Press, 2013.  

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Autobiography

Definition and Examples of Autobiography An autobiography is an account of a persons life written or otherwise recorded by that person. Adjective: autobiographical. Many scholars regard the Confessions (c. 398) by Augustine of Hippo (354–430) as the first autobiography. The term fictional autobiography (or pseudoautobiography) refers to novels that employ first-person narrators who recount the events of their lives as if they actually happened. Well-known examples include David Copperfield (1850) by Charles Dickens and Salingers  The Catcher in the Rye (1951). Some critics believe that all autobiographies are in some ways fictional. Patricia Meyer Spacks has observed that people do make themselves up. . . . To read  an autobiography is  to encounter a self as an imaginative being ( The Female Imagination, 1975). For the distinction between a memoir and an autobiographical composition, see memoir  as well as the examples and observations below.   Etymology From the Greek, self life write Examples of Autobiographical Prose Imitating the Style of the Spectator, by Benjamin FranklinLangston Hughes on HarlemOn the Street, by Emma GoldmanRitual in Maya Angelous Caged BirdThe Turbid Ebb and Flow of Misery, by Margaret SangerTwo Ways of Seeing a River, by Mark Twain Examples and Observations of Autobiographical Compositions An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing.(Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant, 1968)Putting a life into words rescues it from confusion even when the words declare the omnipresence of confusion, since the art of declaring implies dominance.(Patricia Meyer Spacks, Imagining a Self: Autobiography and Novel in Eighteenth-Century England. Harvard University Press, 1976)The Opening Lines of Zora Neale Hurstons Autobiography- Like the dead-seeming, cold rocks, I have memories within that came out of the material that went to make me. Time and place have had their say.So you will have to know something about the time and place where I came from, in order that you may interpret the incidents and directions of my life.I was born in a Negro town. I do not mean by that the black back-side of an average town. Eatonville, Florida, is, and was at the time of my birth, a pure Negro towncharter, mayor, council, town marshal and all. It was not the first Neg ro community in America, but it was the first to be incorporated, the first attempt at organized self-government on the part of Negroes in America.Eatonville is what you might call hitting a straight lick with a crooked stick. The town was not in the original plan. It is a by-product of something else. . . .(Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road. J.B. Lippincott, 1942)- There is a saying in the Black community that advises: If a person asks you where youre going, you tell him where youve been. That way you neither lie nor reveal your secrets. Hurston had called herself the Queen of the Niggerati. She also said, I like myself when Im laughing. Dust Tracks on a Road is written with royal humor and an imperious creativity. But then all creativity is imperious, and Zora Neale Hurston was certainly creative.(Maya Angelou, Foreword to Dust Tracks on a Road, rpt. HarperCollins, 1996) Autobiography and TruthAll autobiographies are lies. I do not mean unconscious, unintentional lies; I mean deliberate lies. No man is bad enough to tell the truth about himself during his lifetime, involving, as it must, the truth about his family and friends and colleagues. And no man is good enough to tell the truth in a document which he suppresses until there is nobody left alive to contradict him.(George Bernard Shaw, Sixteen Self Sketches, 1898)Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people.(attributed to Thomas Carlyle, Philip Guedalla, and others)Autobiography and Memoir- An autobiography is the story of a life: the name implies that the writer will somehow attempt to capture all the essential elements of that life. A writers autobiography, for example, is not expected to deal merely with the authors growth and career as a writer but also with the facts and emotions connected to family life, education, relationships, sexuality, travels, and inn er struggles of all kinds. An autobiography is sometimes limited by dates (as in Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography to 1949 by Doris Lessing), but not obviously by theme.Memoir, on the other hand, is a story from a life. It makes no pretense of replicating a whole life.(Judith Barrington, Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art. Eighth Mountain Press, 2002)- Unlike autobiography, which moves in a dutiful line from birth to fame, memoir narrows the lens, focusing on a time in the writers life that was unusually vivid, such as childhood or adolescence, or that was framed by war or travel or public service or some other special circumstance.(William Zinsser, Introduction, Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir. Mariner Books, 1998) An Epidemical Rage for Auto-Biography[I]f the populace of writers become thus querulous after fame (to which they have no pretensions) we shall expect to see an epidemical rage for auto-biography break out, more wide in its influence and more pernicious in its tendency than the strange madness of the Abderites, so accurately described by Lucian. London, like Abdera, will be peopled solely by men of genius; and as the frosty season, the grand specific for such evils, is over, we tremble for the consequences. Symptoms of this dreadful malady (though somewhat less violent) have appeared amongst us before . . ..(Isaac DIsraeli, Review of The Memoirs of Percival Stockdale, 1809)|The Lighter Side of Autobiography- The Confessions of St. Augustine are the first autobiography, and they have this to distinguish them from all other autobiographies, that they are addressed directly to God.(Arthur Symons, Figures of Several Centuries, 1916)- I write fiction and Im told its autobiography, I write autobiography and Im told its fiction, so since Im so dim and theyre so smart, let them decide what it is or isnt.(Philip Roth, Deception, 1990)- Im writing an unauthorized autobiography.(Steven Wright) Pronunciation: o-toe-bi-OG-ra-fee

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Peer to Peer Lending Scheme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Peer to Peer Lending Scheme - Essay Example The following are some of the roles Mr. Campbell McBain should expect (Mostafa, 2014).The facilitator should ensure that the functions are given are fulfilled by the right people with the proper experience and authority. The facilitator is the task of developing clear objectives and agenda that are in line with the company goals. He should also decide the workshop process and briefing process. The facilitator should also ensure that logistical arrangements are. During the workshop, the facilitator ensures that objectives are, and benefits are realized. He also ensures that all relevant information is available to the group so that strategic decision-making is facilitated. After the workshop, the primary role of the facilitator is to produce and deliver the workshop report. He also reviews the report with the management of the company. McBain is not qualified for the role of facilitator although he has all the relevant knowledge about the company. McBain has been in the business for a long time and understands the role that the proposed software is supposed to play. McBain is very excited about the progress of the program. Thus, he will be available to the programmers at London Agile (Shankar et al.,2014). Despite his qualifications, it might be difficult for him to be impartial which is a quality required for the facilitator role. He should ensure he facilitates the workshop rather than dictate what is to be. A facilitator plays his role with no alignment or stake in the company, and there Campbell will not be suited for the role (Kafilongo et al, 2014) The company ambassador is the person given the responsibility of ensuring he or she embodies the cooperate identity of the company. The company ambassador has the ability of the to use promotional strategies that will strengthen the customer product relationship. It will influence a large number of organizations into using the products of the organization (Turk et al, 2014). The

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How cloud computing will affect businesses Research Paper

How cloud computing will affect businesses - Research Paper Example Cloud Computing is a term that has gained popularity within last couple of years. Figure 1 shows the trends in the usage various computing terms, the figure is indicative of the fact that the terms like grid computing and distributed computing are dropping in usage where as from 2008 onwards the term cloud computing has picked up at an exponential rate. Cloud computing has been defined as â€Å"†¦.a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)†¦.† (Search Cloud Computing). The term Cloud is a metaphor of Internet as Internet it is represented as a cloud in schematics and diagrams Figure 1. Trends of usage of term Cloud Computing. Cloud computing has numerous benefits and these beneficiaries not only include the users but also the companies. Cloud computing is beginning to change the way businesses are done. The following are the key benefits of cloud computing: Cloud Computing enables the users to access information (files and data) remotely, that is from their home or office, during working hours or even beyond working hours. Cloud computing is relatively cheaper with respect to the resources, for smaller companies and companies in resource limited settings cloud computing provides low cost solutions because these users need not procure expensive software and hardware. The companies just need to pay for the services and infrastructure when it is required, thereby reducing the costs. Since cloud computing is all about online or virtual resources, resources like storage space etc. for the companies into cloud-based services is limitless. Monthly subscription fee takes care of the growing needs of the companies . In other words, cloud computing offers such advantages capable of posting the companies, those adopt cloud computing, in all together a different league because the scales and economics are a class apart. Figure 2. Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing (Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Hinchcliffe) Although cloud computing presents numerous benefits, quite like any other entity or technology, cloud computing has its share of shortcomings. These include concerns like the additional costs for transfer of data; lack of control over security, reliability of the hardware where the data and applications reside, because the hardware and software etc. are owned by third party; since cloud computing is a service oriented technology, quality of service of each vendor can vary, hence this technology can not be considered to be free from qualitative aspects like, security issues, etc. Figure 2 gives an idea of the pros and cons of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How Young People Represented in Eastenders and Hollyoaks Essay Example for Free

How Young People Represented in Eastenders and Hollyoaks Essay Eastenders is a British Soap Opera, first broadcast in the UK on BBC1. It’s about people who works and live in the frictional London Borough of Walford in the East End of London. The scenes usually around the Albert Square. This soap originally played in the TV as two half-hour episodes per week since 2001, for episodes are broadcast each week. It is one of the UK’s highest rated programmes. It’s created by two person called Julia Smith and Tony Holland. Hollyoaks is a long running British Soap Opera firs broadcasted on Channel 4 in 1995. It’s created by Phil Redmond and Directed by Ross Knowles and Robert Duffey. This programme is set in a fictional suburb of Chester called Hollyoaks. Scenes usually around the education college called Hollyoaks Community College. The characters are people who are in their late teens or early twenties. The series are filmed at Lime Pictures. There are many conventions in the soaps. Cliff hangers are is a practice of ending of an episode which leaves the character in a seemingly impossible situation or something really exciting happens. The purpose of this that it makes the story so interesting which makes people want to watch the next episode of the soap. Moralistic storylines are usually main theme of the story; the lesson the main character learns. Usually people who watching the soap learns from that storyline. For example for a moral storyline is could be that: a girl steals another girl’s roller-skate, the moral in this that stealing is wrong. Multiple storylines are means in a soap that lots of different lines going on. For example that a lady has a baby, someone had a car crash, while the school burnt down. Realism is also important for a soap opera because who watching it has to believe in that it’s ‘real’. For example people can’t sell a pen which cost 50p for  £20.000 because it’s not realistic. Soaps are passing on social messages such as: drunk driving, young pregnancy, taking drugs and so on. The writers passing these messages to do not do any of these by showing their consequences. If people see that 5 people dies because the driver was drunk they might not going the drive when they drinking. Characters from Eastenders I’ve chosen are Stacey Slater and Bradley Branning. Stacey had arrived in Watford at the age of 15 and she stayed with her uncle Charlie. She had been causes troubles with her behavior. She had been thrown out because of her behavior. She falls in love with Bradley BranningStacey represented like a bad teenage girl with lots of boyfriends. She also had taken drugs in the past. She not very educated. She worked at a stall. She was pregnant but had an abortion. Bradley represented as a quite clever teenage boy. He has a good job at the bank. Was in a relationship with Stacey. He sexually harassed by his boss. He flirted with lots of girls/women. He flirted with her colleague as well. I’ve chosen these characters because I thought they are exciting to me. Characters from Hollyoaks are Ste Hay, He has some wicked ways. It hasnt all been plain sailing for him. A job at chez brought him into the flight path of one Brendan Brady and so began the twisted love/hate/love/hate/love romance that is Stendan. All sorts of obstacles have come between them pregnant girlfriends, fitness instructors, angry wives and long lost sons; however it was Brendans issues with his sexuality and his propensity for violence that stopped them truly being together. Leanne Holiday is a blonde, petite, button-nosed; Leanne looks all sweetness and light. She first came to the village as fiancà ©e to Lee Hunter, who was returning to the village after a five year absence. Hardcore fans will have followed their engagement in the online drama Fresher’s. Wandering eyes from both parties soon caused trouble in their relationship, Leanne snagging Doug and Lee falling for Amy. She always chases boys. Young people in Eastenders represented more badly, in there are young pregnancies and other bad stuff going around the young characters. In Hollyoaks the young people are mostly represented as a studying respectful teenager. So the young people in Eastenders represented most likely as bad, while in Hollyoaks they are represented as goods. I think in Eastenders and Hollyoaks young people are represented in the way how the young people act or behave in the real life. Some young people having in trouble some of them are behaving well and doing their work and just being normal.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Need For Universal Health Care Essay -- Medicine Medical Essays Ar

The Need For Universal Health Care Like many college students I have to pinch pennies to make it through school. Every last penny counts when budgeting my monetary supply. As a result of this I have found that I do not have enough to spare to pay for health insurance. Unlike most college students I am over the age of 23 and thus not covered by my parents insurance. Since I am only employed part time I am also not able to obtain it from work. This puts me in the company of the more than 42 million Americans who do not have health insurance. It is past time that the United States join the rest of the industrialized countries that have already decided to provide their citizens with health care. I believe a single payer health care system is necessary. A national health care system would provide a number of benefits. To begin with, it would cut the overall costs of health care. Secondly it would actually decrease bureaucracy by removing the many layers of insurance paper work patients and physicians are forced to go throu gh in our current system. Finally it would increase life expectancy by allowing more money conscious Americans to receive adequate prevention instead of waiting until an illness becomes worse. All of these reasons point towards a national health care program as being the solution we need. Some opponents of single payer sytems, mostly financed by insurance companies that stand to lose billions from such a plan, point to some of the other countries that have enacted such plans as an advisory against our following suit. However they fail to take into account some of the methods unique to those countries and overstate some of the problems while ignoring our own. Single payer health programs are set up so that all... ... that we, as a nation that considers ourselves civilized can make to ensure the health and safety of our populace. Works Cited Canham-Clyne, John, Woolhandler, Steffie, and Himmelstein, David. The Rational Option. For A National Health Program. Stony Creek, Connecticut: The Pamphleteers Press, 1995 Fisk, Milton. Toward a Healthy Society The Morality and Politics of American Health Care Reform. Lawrence Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2000 Kuttner, Robert. ?The Efficiency of Universal Health Care.? Boston Globe. 12 February 2000. http://www.globe.com/dailyglobe2/044/oped/The_efficiency_of_ universal_health_careP.shtml Sheils, John F. and Haught, Randall A. Analysis of the Costs and Impact of Universal Health Care Models for the State of Maryland: The Single-Payer and Multi-Payer Models. 2 May 2000. http://www.healthcareforall.com/summary.html

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Inspirational Speech Essay

I would like to begin my speech by asking if anyone has ever felt like giving up on their education? Like myself, I am sure most will answer †Yes†. Today, I would like to speak on the importance of staying in school and completing your education. Hopefully what I have to say can both inspire you and motivate you to want nothing but the best for yourself and your future. One of the most important reasons why it is important to complete college and received a degree is because in todays society it is a mandate. There used to be a time where having a high school diploma or even a GED could get you by in life. Now, as times have advanced, most employers for a decent job won’t hire you unless you have an associates degree or higher. Just take a second to think about what the job requirements will be in years to come. It’s shocking to know that in just a few years to have a decent job you will need to have a bachelors or masters degree. I would like to share a sto ry with everyone. I have an Aunt that graduated from high school about 10 years ago. A few months after her graduation she was offered a good job opportunity for a company and she accepted it. She worked there for 7 years and one day her new boss told her that she needed to be recertified for the position. With all the changes that had gone on within society and within the workplace, the job now required that she have an associate’s degree. At the time my Aunt was a single mother and worked full time so it was an almost impossible task for her to complete an associate’s degree program in the allotted amount of time the job had given her. To make a long story short they allowed her to work at the job for 6 more months and let her go. Furthermore, it is not only important to complete college for the degree but for the status it brings. I’m sure everyone has friends and family members that are on a path for destruction. If they can see that you completed college, even with all you may have or have had going on in your life, it can be motivation for them. I’ve always been told that you never know the impact that your story will have on another person. In conclusion, some of you may be feeling a sense of discouragement, losing hope towards your life. Some of you may even be wondering why you’re sitting in that chair because there is no hope. Let me tell you first that you are a person of worth, a person who can be a successful businessperson or a famous entrepreneur one day. By stay motivated and having perseverance you can be successful in any career field of your choice. It may seem an impossible dream or goal but as  you know, it is never too late to get back up again. Every challenge and misfortune that you have to face during your duration in this school, will only make you a better and a stronger person.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Horniman Horticulture Essay

Executive Summary: Horniman Horticulture is a wholesale nursery located near Lynchburg, VA. Its owned by Bob and Maggie Brown. From 2002-2005, the nursery’s operations grew by more then 40%. Revenue growth has exceeded the industry benchmark. The nursery now consists of 52 greenhouses, 40 acres of land, and 12 full-time workers as well as 15 seasonal workers. Problem: While experiencing booming demand and improving margins, the Browns are confused by their plummeting cash balance. Analysis: Horniman’s current assets are growing over time, but in a less liquid fashion, less from cash and more from receivables and inventory. Horniman is not receiving money as quickly as they would hope, which is shown by the 9-day increase in receivable days since 2002 (exhibit 2 p.141). This figure is also well above its benchmark. The Inventory days increased every year as well and was well above the benchmark of 386.3. Payable days decreased much more than was expected, to 9.9 in 2005 when the benchmark was 27. What most likely happened is that as Horniman grew, it began selling inventories with higher margins and better financing options were being offered to its customers. Favorable terms are attractive to new clients but it can also increase risk of non-payment from customers. In terms of where the cash they have made is going, we must look at how they are distributing their cash flow. Most cash was invested back into the business itself to build capital. It seems as if every dollar of profit was put towards more net working capital. Recommendation: Increasing the payable days or lowering the day’s receivable outstanding would reduce the cash conversion cycle. Although it is important to invest cash back into the company for growth, a more conservative approach of holding on to more cash would benefit Horniman in the future.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Biography of Che Guevera

Biography of Che Guevera Free Online Research Papers Ernesto â€Å"Che† Guevara is a revolutionary legend and international icon. The man known simply as Che has left a lasting impression on society. From his revolutionary status to his undying determination, Che has exceeded the expectations of not only his superiors and disciples of his time but those who were born much later as well. He is not your typical leader although he possesses many of the characteristics, traits and values that are referred to most of the worlds primary leaders. From his childhood up through his fantastical live to his untimely death, Che has defined what it is meant to be a leader in every sense of the definition. Che was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in the into a middle-class family in Argentina. In the early 1950s he was trained to be a practicing medical doctor but that career did not seem to suit his wild heart. He then decided to explore the world in which he lived, by riding his motorcycle through Latin America. During this time he has the opportunity to remove himself from his comfortable, middle-class life and see for himself what the people of his country and of neighboring countries are experiencing as their life. What he saw was absolute poverty and tremendous despair. This had sparked a part of his mind and heart to be active in fighting this type of economical depression by taking on the capitalistic government directly. He then chose to join Fidel Castro in his fight against imperialism. This is where his genuine leadership abilities had surfaced. His immense determination combined with his emotional fervor for such a cause, he was practically unstoppable. From here on out, Che fought side by side with the people he was trying to protect and empower. His meeting with Castro brought him to Cuba where he fought and eventually assited in the overthrowing of then ruler and Dictator Fulgencio Batista. He did not stop here. Che went on to ensure all of the people of Latin America who were aware of their exploitation and continued to spread the revolution as the commander of the Rebel Army. Up until his death he maintained his ideals and values while motivating people to take action. Che found much of his education not only in the books that he read while pursuing his education but also through extensive travel. According to David Deutschmann, â€Å"Travel is another kind of learning. It changes your perspective immediately, because it requires new and different responses from you.† Che really cultivated himself and even reinvented himself during the time of his motorcycle tour. He had grown as a person and as a leader considering now he was motivated that he took the responsibility to then motivate others. Deutschmann also describes â€Å"authenticity† and â€Å"self-invention† as almost parallel terms. As leaders grow and adapt to not only their position but also to the world in which they live, they form a sense of self that they embrace and that entices others to follow. Che knew exactly what he wanted to do. Clearly he wanted to make his vision the vision of the people and he succeeded in doing that on an international level. He was being true to himself and his beliefs. His core values included but are not limited to self-sacrifice, moderation, faith, and devotion and not once did he stray from these values. Throughout his leadership endeavor, Che had maintained authoritarian leadership style. He was given the name â€Å"Che† which means â€Å"friend† or â€Å"buddy† which would suggest a more democratic or possibly even a laissez-faire leadership style but his work suggests something else. Although he was the type of leader that seemed to truly set an example and followed the rules that he imposed on others, he was also the person making the rules and expecting others to follow. In David Deutschmann’s compilation The Guevara Reader, it is evident throughout that he is laying down the law. Once reading through, it is evident that although it is educational material it has a propagandist air to it. We have to remember, however, that he is attempting to start and maintain a revolution that is to spread worldwide. He controlled a highly efficient group of men and women whose general interest were at hand. Although this may be contradictory, I feel that Che engaged in interpersonal orientation pattern of leadership over the task orientation. This is apparent in Che in the way he had even embarked on his revolutionary endeavor. â€Å"The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love,† believed Che. He has also undoubtedly shown his leadership by the roles he has assumed from his youth until his death. He has a vision for not only himself but for all people. Che has had a loyal following since he first set out on this endeavor. He recruited followers through his expert power and referent power. Marxism was Che’s forte and he held strong to his philosophies. Through his compelling writings and teachings, Che gathered many followers both in Latin America and beyond. He unified the Latin American people not according to country or class but the entire continent. His socialist philosophy and his philanthropy has given him such the honor to be compared to Jesus Christ. Communication was obviously one of Che’s key traits to his leadership success. Through his writings alone, he portrays a sophisticated individual with the knack for narrative. He also was quite a charismatic leader. He was even known to entice people by having them merely look at him. He is a highly educated man with a passion for words and his altruistic actions speak for themselves. He inspired an entire generation to question authority and opened their eyes to an unjust world that was hidden behind a new wave of American consumerism. Actions tend to speak louder than word but when sung together they are all the more effective. Ernesto â€Å"Che† Guevara is a genuine example of how a person emerges as a leader and evolves into an icon. He was able to take the world in, adapt to his surrounding and in turn attempt to change the world, as we know it. He is a pioneer of a revolutionary theory that is still a living and breathing document today. As Che had said, â€Å"Let the world change you then you can change the world.† Research Papers on Biography of Che GueveraBringing Democracy to AfricaQuebec and CanadaWhere Wild and West MeetBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMind TravelInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Epicenter vs. Center

Epicenter vs. Center Epicenter vs. Center Epicenter vs. Center By Simon Kewin In an article on the BBC website just recently, the head of a computer game industry body described the city of Dundee as the epicentre for the industry in Scotland. A little earlier, in an article about renewable energy on the same site, the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, described the city of Glasgow as the epicentre for renewable energy engineering. Now, either someone has been secretly building a network of vast tunnels underneath Scottish cities, or these are two examples of a widely misused and misunderstood word. Epicenter (epicentre in British English) refers to a point over or above the centre of something. It is most commonly used to identify the point on the Earths surface that lies directly above the focus of an earthquake. Increasingly, however, the term is used in a vague and lazy way to make the word center seem more dramatic and interesting. Reporters are forever standing at the epicenter of something, apparently unaware that the events they describe must, logically, be happening underground. Of course, you could argue that epicenter is a word whose meaning is in transition; that it is acquiring a secondary sense of, simply, center (especially the center of something dramatic or calamitous.) For now, the best advice is not to confuse the two. Center and epicenter are two perfectly good words, meaning two different things. You can read more from Simon on his blog, Spellmaking. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?Writing the CenturyEnglish Grammar 101: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The influence of Street Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The influence of Street Art - Essay Example History of Street Art. Street art is capable of changing the cold concrete walls into beautiful lively canvasses. The beautiful artifacts act as a reflection of the thought processes of the daily lifestyle of the people. The street art draws its prolonged history in the 16th century in Europe. The street art evolved from the dwindled history of the artists who used this mode as a process to collect money from the pedestrians. Later on, through the different international festivals, the street art attained recognition. Today, street artists form the major sector of the contemporary art and visual culture. Street art in the present day forms a connecting node of the multidisciplinary institutional domain. Difference between Street Art and Graffiti. The basic difference between graffiti and street art is that the message delivered by the street art is understood by the general public. Graffiti with the use of tags and messages secludes the use of the message only for closed groups who b elong to the same community. Graffiti fails to provide for a podium for the general public to interact freely about the message of the art. Moreover, graffiti provides for a textual base to share messages whereas the street art is drawn with the pictorial focus to beautify the urban environment. Influence on the People. The different pictorial images that are used in the street arts often carry a motivational message that influences the thinking process of the general public. The street art carry the subversive messages.